How to Successfully Manage Commercial Construction Projects

Tip #1: Engage Early

Engaging early goes beyond simply being present in the initial design meetings. It's about actively contributing and collaborating with the project stakeholders, including architects, engineers, and the owner, to shape the project from the ground up. This proactive approach brings numerous benefits, as Sela's Hampden-Sydney College project demonstrates:

Hampden-Sydney construction project by Sela Building Corp, completed with a record 71-days

1. Streamlined Materials and Subcontractors:

  • Early input allows the General Contractor (GC) to identify potential material sourcing issues or conflicts with specified subcontractors. This allows for exploring alternative options before finalizing the design, avoiding costly delays and changes during construction.

  • Sela's early involvement helped our team to secure subcontractors with readily available resources, preventing bottlenecks and ensuring a smooth flow of materials and labor.

2. Optimized Deliveries and Scheduling:

  • Familiarity and understanding of the construction sequence allow optimized delivery schedules for materials and equipment. This reduces storage needs, minimizes on-site clutter, and improves site safety.

  • By participating in schedule development, your general contractor can identify potential scheduling conflicts or bottlenecks and propose adjustments before they arise. This ensures a realistic and achievable timeline for the project.

3. Cost Savings and Project Efficiency:

  • Early engagement allows value engineering opportunities where the GC can propose cost-effective alternatives to materials or construction methods without compromising quality or functionality.

  • Identifying potential design flaws or inefficiencies early on saves time and money compared to making changes during construction. Sela's ability to streamline the Hampden-Sydney project likely resulted in significant cost savings for the college.

4. Enhanced Communication and Collaboration:

  • Building trust and rapport with all stakeholders early on fosters open communication and collaboration throughout the project. This leads to quicker problem-solving, better decision-making, and a more positive overall project experience.

  • Early involvement allows the GC to deeply understand the owner's expectations and priorities, ensuring the finished project meets their needs.

Sela's success with the Hampden-Sydney College project is a powerful example of the benefits of early engagement for General Contractors. By actively shaping the project from the outset, GCs can contribute to cost savings, improved efficiency, enhanced communication, and a successful and satisfying project for everyone involved.

By following these tips and embracing a proactive approach, General Contractors become invaluable partners in the construction process, contributing to successful projects completed on time, within budget, and to the highest standards.

Watch this space for Tip #2: Assembling a solid team.

If you have any questions or need a clarification about anything we write or mention in our blog, or for a no-obligation review of your commercial construction project, please contact Philip Ratley, President, at: 336.835.6700.

Phillip Ratley