Tip #3: The Power of Trust

Tips for Fast-Tracking & Successfully Managing Construction Projects

Tip #3: The Power of Trust: How Building Strong Relationships Drives Success in Commercial Construction

Trust is the cornerstone of success in complex commercial construction. It’s a word we don’t take lightly at Sela, and we recognize that trust is not given; it must be earned. Trust fosters strong relationships, improves communication, and encourages proactive innovation, ultimately leading to successful project completions and satisfied clients. 

Building trust is a process, a goal we’ve committed to from our early years, a process we continue to refine and improve every day. We want to share what we’ve learned, lessons that apply to teams in any business, but especially in the commercial construction industry. 

Building trust requires a proactive and consistent approach that prioritizes understanding client needs, maintaining transparency, upholding commitments, and fostering psychological safety within the team.

Effective communication is vital for maintaining trust.
Regular project meetings, open dialogue, and utilizing technology to streamline communication are crucial practices. By fostering open communication, clients feel informed and involved, strengthening trust.

Going beyond the client-contractor relationship.
It's equally important to cultivate trust with subcontractors and suppliers. Establishing clear expectations, ensuring prompt payment, maintaining open communication, and upholding ethical practices are crucial to building trust with these vital partners.

Transparency plays a significant role in cultivating trust. Regularly providing updates on project progress, budget, and potential challenges demonstrates honesty and assures clients that their interests are being prioritized. When faced with challenges, honesty is crucial. Every construction team member, from the client side to subcontractors, must feel comfortable that honesty and openness are appreciated regardless of what has transpired. 

Building trust significantly facilitates smoother project execution and conflict resolution. When trust is present, communication becomes more open and transparent, minimizing misunderstandings and conflicts. Team members are more likely to collaborate and find creative solutions to challenges. Additionally, trust fosters an environment where negotiation becomes more efficient, leading to smoother project execution.

Strategies for building trust within commercial construction teams include:

  • Cultivating SAFETY: Fostering an environment where team members feel safe speaking up, sharing ideas, and taking calculated risks is crucial for innovation and trust building.

  • Promoting ACCOUNTABILITY: Clearly defining roles, setting expectations, and holding team members accountable for their actions encourages ownership and builds trust.

  • Communicating PROACTIVELY: Regular updates to clients and stakeholders on project progress, challenges, and potential changes demonstrate transparency and build trust.

  • Delivering CONSISTENTLY: Meeting deadlines, staying within budget, and providing quality workmanship showcase reliability, solidify trust, and establish a reputation for excellence.

  • Building RELATIONSHIPS: Genuine connections among all team members (clients, subcontractors, and suppliers) go a long way in fostering trust and securing long-term partnerships and repeat business.

Commercial construction projects experience smooth execution with minimal waste or interruptions by prioritizing and fostering trust amongst team members. 

Zev Asch